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Humble Yourself Under God's Mighty Hand
Guest Speaker John Roberts shares about his recent mission trip to the Dominican Republic and teaches from 1 Peter 5:1-10.
Stand Firm in God's Truth
Guest Speaker Ron Haendiges brings a message from Ephesians 6:10-18. He encourages us to stand firm on THE truth, no matter what circumstances we may face or what other people may say.
An Invitation to Reconciliation
Guest Speaker John Roberts teaches from Ephesians 3:14-21. This passage is rich in explanation of how Christ's invitation to be reconciled to himself is for those who are "far off" as well as those who are near.
Prepared for Action
Guest Speaker John Roberts teaches from 1 Peter 1:13-19 with encouragement to always be prepared, and ready for action. Knowing the high price with which our salvation has been purchased, we must not grow lazy, but be alert and ready.
Guest Speaker John Roberts teaches from Romans 8:18-30. None of us are immune to the brokenness and suffering in this world. We all go through trials and difficulty, but there is purpose and meaning in all the challenges we experience.
Repurposed Lives
When God touches your heart - you become a different person. No person can be touched by God and walk away unchanged.
Guest Speaker John Roberts teaches from 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 where the Apostle Paul writes about how his life was reformed by Christ, and changed into something God used dramatically for his kingdom. As Christians, we can also be encouraged that our own lives are being changed, and repurposed through the power of the Holy Spirit, to take on the righteousness of Christ, even when we are yet imperfect.
Mission Update:
John Roberts brings an update from his trip to the Dominican Republic and Project Manana. There are so many different projects through this ministry and different ways to help with this mission. If you would like to learn more about this ministry, visit their website.
The Teacher: The Holy Spirit
Guest speaker John Roberts shares a message from John 14:25-31 that explains how Jesus taught the disciples about the way the Holy Spirit acts as our guide, comforter, and teacher. "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." (v. 26)
Not Who We Once Were
Guest speaker John Roberts brings a message from Colossians 3:1-11, that continues to explore some of the themes introduced by John Denny's message, United With Christ. John Roberts goes in depth to explain how once we are united with Christ, we die to our sin and then, in response to God's saving grace, we strive to set our minds on heavenly things, putting aside earthly things. Once you have been saved by grace, through faith, you will never be the same.
Unified, Yet Diverse
Guest speaker John Roberts brings a message from 1 Corinthians 12:20-31. He also gives a brief update on Freed From Within, a residential recovery program in Corydon, IN.
Guest speaker David Scott, who is an elder at South Liberty Church, brings a message from Romans 12:1-21. He focuses on the supernatural transformation that must occur in the life of a Christian and the responsibility we have once we are saved, to become a fully functioning part of the body of Christ, while sharing God's love with those around us.
How do I Know I'm on the Right Path?
Have you ever been lost? It's so easy to think that you know the way to go, but if you don't pay close attention, it's easy to get headed in the wrong direction. Guest speaker Jake Johanningsmeier brings this message from Psalm 25 and outlines several questions we can ask ourselves to be sure we are walking in the way God is directing us.
Live In Joy
Just before his crucifixion, Jesus gathered with his disciples and urged them to live in joy, by serving others and submitting their lives to the Father, just as he had done. Guest speaker Jake Johanningsmeier brings this message from John 15:1-17 and covers the ways we can live in true joy, through obedience, sacrificial friendship and service to others.
Fighting the Good Fight of Faith
Guest speaker Jake Johanningsmeier speaks from Micah 6:1-8. He draws from the Old Testament to speak about walking the Christian journey in current times.