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Share the Gospel Boldly


In the book of 2 Timothy, The Apostle Paul communicates with his young understudy, the importance of preaching the gospel boldly, and being ready to suffer for the truth if necessary. Paul urges Timothy to "fan into flame the gift of God" while reminding him that he has been given a a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Dave Scott brings this timely message from 2 Timothy 1:1-7 which also continues the recent theme of being an Ambassador for Christ.

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We are a small body of believers, located in a rural setting. We believe in one God, one Savior, Jesus Christ and one Holy Spirit. We believe the Word of God, is true and inspired. We believe in the virgin birth and the full deity of Jesus Christ. We believe he extends grace to all who are willing to believe.


24 W. South Liberty Church Rd.

Pekin, IN 47165


(On Higway 135, just north of Palmyra, IN.)


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